Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Good morning..

If I have had a rough night taking care of Gabby then Brian always does his best to wake up with her in the morning before work and give me some much needed rest. A couple of days ago Brian got up with her and I could hear him exclaim to her over the baby monitor that she had a very poopy diaper. I think there were also a few squeals when she attempted to also grab that very poopy diaper which resulted in very poopy fingers. I went in to offer assistance and then went to lie back down. About 20 minutes later Brian came in with Gabby and asks if it is possible for her to have peed through her diaper and onto the kitchen floor. I thought it was probably water and told him to just wipe it up and not to worry. When I went into the kitchen a bit later and asked him about it he replied that yes she had indeed peed all over the kitchen floor. Apparently this was only possible seeing as Brian had completly forgotten to put a diaper on her. He just zipped her back up in her jammies and put her in her high chair for breakfast. When she finally went, it leaked through the high chair and puddled all over the floor. Im pretty sure that will be the last time he forgets a diaper. .


Achtung Amy! said...

Holy Cow!! How funny. I'm proud of him even for attempting it. Last night I learned on AHV (America's Home Video) that dads have a predisposition for dry heaving when it comes to diaper changings. Maybe this is the reason for his diaper challenge gone wrong! Pull out the camera next time..."you could be the next $10,000 winner!"

bv said...

I'm just envious that you get some nap time and admitedly I did laugh reading about the pee puddles!