Yesterday Jessica and I along with Gabriella went to Richfield to be with Megan when she opened her mission call. Holy cow my sister is going on a mission! That is just so freaking rad. Yes I said rad! She is going to the Mesa Arizona mission where she will be at the temple visitors center. How fabulous is that! We are so excited for her and cant wait to hear about the next 18 months of amazing experiences as Im sure there will be many. It was a fun day with sisters and mom and dad. We all just chatted, ate and chatted some more. All the while of course Gabriella was getting loved to bits. The family was admiring her ability to walk, without holding onto anything, down the stairs. She is a little daredevil and has scared me to death a few times but it seems as if the more challenging something is the more she loves doing it. This afternoon she managed to fall down the entire flight of stairs and hit pretty much everything on the way down. Poor dear has a little bloody lip and was very sad but after about 4 minutes she was good as new and started chasing the dog around. I just wish I could bounce back that fast. She really is amazing and is such a big girl. Very independent and very brave. She will try anything and seems to be completely fearless. She is talking up a storm and has started saying cracker, shoes, please, baby and binky amongst all the other words she already says. She loves to be chased by daddy and will run screaming through the house until he catches her and then laughs so hard.
Today as I was on the computer Gabriella brought out the garbage can from our room and proceded to empty it out, blow her nose on some used tissues (ick) and just had some fun. After she was done she picked all the garbage back up, put it in the garbage can and put the garbage can back in the same spot in our room. I didnt even realize what she had done until I went into the room and saw the garbage can back where it belonged. On top of this I handed her a package to be thrown away and asked her to throw it in the garbage. She went into our room and I just figured she put it somewhere and I would just throw it away later. Low and behold the item was right where it should have been, in the garbage. She is amazing! I am seriously astounded at how smart she is... and also how tidy she is. Hmmm... looks like Ill have some help with the chores soon. We love this little lady of ours.