Thursday, November 6, 2008

Terrible Two's

Okay so I never knew that the terrible twos actually started way before they were actually two. What has happened to my sweet little girl and who is this squealing, crying, whining monster? She looks like my girl but besides that I barely recognize her. Of course we have our good moments which are basically anytime I am doing exactly what she wants which a mom can only keep up for so long. I know we will make it through this hard time but I highly doubt I will be able to do so with all of my mental faculties intact. Here are some photos that help to remind me that inside my little demon is a sweet fun girl.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Merry me

Well its that time of year again. Here is a little preview of our Christmas card. It was hard to get just the right shot but I think this one of us is pretty amazing..