Gabby has turned 3 and Oliver had his one year birthday as well. Its really true what they say about them growing up so fast.
Ollie is walking and almost sleeping through the night! Things are really looking up for this little kiddo. No talking yet but still with the sweetest smile in the world (when he isnt trying to bite me). He knows some signs but mostly just pointing and jabbering. We gave him his first real haircut and he looks like such a big boy now. Gabby is busy as always. No naps anymore but tends to fall asleep in the car and so we just leave her there with the doors open. Pretty great actually. She talks constantly and tends to start most conversations with, "Ok mom, heres the deal", then proceeds to tell me what the "deal" is. Its usually something pretty great for her and not so great for me. She has started asking us if we are her friends or if we are silly gooses. We then reply "yes of course" and she responds by giggling and telling us she loves us. Pretty darling! She loves to read, dance, sing and play with any "friend" who happens to be walking by our house at that moment.This also includes next door neighbors who she likes visit with after ringing their doorbell. She has started pre-school three days a week for two hours and so far loves it. We also love having a little break. And best of all she is completely potty trained. This is a story all on its own but suffice to say we have succeeded despite many incidents to the contrary. Ollie likes to eat dirt,water, playing with cars and balls and his very favorite thing of all.. being attached to mom. It was fun at first...