Brian is still working like a madman and going to school full time as well. Bless his soul! What a man!
Gabby is as active and talkative as ever and has now started saying "fantastic" when something especially tickles her fancy. She still calls Brian babe and is still a super sweet and gentle big sister. She has made Oliver laugh more than anyone else ever and he adores her. Still working on finding her some girls to play with her age but I guess Ill have to settle for being her best friend in the meantime. She is a little beauty and constantly amazes me with her memory and her sweet spirit.
Oliver is a little wild man and has resorted to screaming when he doesn't get his way or if something is happening that he doesn't agree with.. Like being put down... ever! Overall though he is a happy little guy and has a smile to die for.
We are blessed to have these little ones in our family! Lets hope I can continue to keep them happy, healthy and alive! Ive threatened a few time to throw them out in the snow but so far I have been able to refrain. I will give the credit to Heavenly Father who has obviously heard my thousands of prayers in which I beg for more patience to be a better mom. Sometimes I feel like its working and other days I just lock myself in the bathroom for my allotted 3.6 seconds of "alone" time and cry. You cant imagine the rejuvenating properties of a good and quick bathroom melt down. I will leave you with pictures of those two little beings who most of the time remind me that it is all worth it.